94.7 The Hog wants to honor your Dad this Father’s Day….with a heck of an amazing price pack for Dad! You want to show up every other son on this Father’s Day? Then this contest you want to enter! And trust us, this is the stuff your dad wants, because Father Knows Best! Here is the deal, we want to provide your Dad with the best Father’s Day present he’s ever gotten! A Set of Tires from Alston Towing, a Clean NEW Suit from Mayo's Suit City of Sumter, a $200 Food Certificate to Piggly Wiggly of Sumter and a 94.7 The Hog T-Shirt to enjoy it all in!
Everything you need for the ultimate Father’s Day gift will be provided!
Just tell us why your "Father Knows Best" below and he could win the Ultimate FATHER KNOWS BEST Prize Pack!
For example: What great advice did your Father give you when you were younger?
Information provided will be used to contact in case nominee is chosen.